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A brief history about philosophy and science


Philosophy began in Ancient Egypt & science began in Ancient Sumerian 

Philosophy, science, and logic were not born in ancient Greece, as they existed in ancient Egypt centuries ago. Greek philosophers learned this information by going to Egypt and Mesopotamia.

First of all, the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Sumerian and Indian cultures are more ancient and older than the Ancient Greek culture. 

Science and wisdom in Mesopotamia and especially Egypt were held in high esteem by the Greeks. Although it was an expensive journey, going to Egypt and getting an education was as valuable as going to American universities and getting a doctorate today. For this reason, the majority of Greek philosophers went to Egypt. They wrote down the information they learned there as if they had discovered it themselves 


is considered the founder of philosophy. But, according to Herodotus, Thales, who was Phoenician, began to think about the universe using the mathematical knowledge he learned from the Egyptians. In other words; before he learned from the Egyptians, there was no such thing as mathematics in Ancient Greece. Thales also learned the solar eclipse from the Egyptians. Because the Egyptians reached the idea that the solar eclipse is periodic and made calculations in this direction. Thales' Theorem was also among the information he learned in Egypt.

If philosophy is WISDOM, PTAHHOTEP (2400 BC), the vizier in ancient Egypt, spoke many wise words and gave advice. So the first philosopher was Ptahhotep, not Thales.

Indian and Iranian influence on Heraclitus philosophy is an accepted view today. The words "we cannot enter a river twice" were quoted from Taoism 

 with the thoughts that "being can be achieved through the unity of opposites" and "everything in nature constantly turns into its opposites" was uttered by the Chinese before him. Again, Heraclitus chose fire as the archaea (the first reason) due to the effect of Zoroastrianism.

   According to West, some of Heraclitus' views are located in the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad in the same way. The relationship between life - death, fire - water is also there.

Herodotus was one of those who went to Egypt and suggested a journey to Egypt.

It is known that Empedocles went to Damascus and Egypt and stayed there for a long time. It is even stated that he met with Solomon's disciples in Egypt. He learned geometry from the Egyptians and physics and metaphysics from Solomon's students, then returned to his country and I physics nor metaphysics nor geometry in Greece. 

When Pythagoras was 18 years old, he left the island where he lived and first went to Miletus, then to Egypt, and then to Babylon, where he received training from the priests of the Temples of Memphis and Juppiter. Egypt is actually the source of the Phoenician religions. Pythagoras was educated by staying in various temples of Egypt for 22 years and learned almost everything he knew from them, such as all branches of science related to mathematics, astronomy and geometry. In addition, he acquired astronomy from the Chaldeans and arithmetic from the Phoenicians. The source of both the teaching of numbers and the doctrine about the immigration (Metempsychhosis), which he brought to Greece for the first time, is actually Egypt. He established his education system in accordance with the system in Egypt. In Babylon, he learned the mysterious sciences such as astrology and alchemy. Xenophanes criticized Pythagoras and called him the "Head of Liars".

Democritus, who is considered to be one of the greatest representatives of the Atomic Teaching, also went to Egypt, Babylon, Iran and Ethiopia, and especially lived in Egypt for a long time. Democritus went to Egypt twice. The universe he defended in the light of the information he obtained outside of Greece consists of two parts: Atoms and Space. Unlike the atoms that make up the body, the soul, which Democritus defended, "is composed of thin, flat, round, very fast moving, slippery and fluid atoms." As it can be clearly understood; the real source of the Atomic Doctrine is not Greece.


 went to Egypt and brought the belief in One God from there. 

It is claimed that a man called Socrates 

was the great philosopher. However, there is not a single book written by this person, and there is no system of thought that he created. It is said that he made others think by asking questions, but millions of people have done it before and after. IF EVERY QUESTIONER WILL BE A PHILOSOPHER, billions of philosophers have lived in the world. Plato wrote a book about his teacher Socrates, but the accuracy of what he wrote is also doubtful. There are two different views on this subject:

1. Plato described his teacher Socrates in a very exaggerated way. He marketed an ordinary man as a great philosopher.

2. In fact, such a man named Socrates never lived. Plato created a fictional character. 

It is claimed that Socrates was killed by drinking hemlock poison; but there is not a single piece of evidence proving this. The symptoms and signs seen in hemlock poisoning are non-specific. Symptoms seen in patients are as follows: Nonspecific complaints that can be seen in many diseases, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, feeling faint and loss of consciousness. Was an autopsy performed on Socrates and was hemlock poisoning detected?

If there was a person named Socrates and if what Plato said is true, Socrates did nothing but oppose the power. Hundreds of thousands of people in the world have resisted to power and punished until today. So are they great philosophers too?

Some people comment like this: “So whether or not the character Socrates was real, it doesn't matter. What matters are the works which led to significant affairs in the thinking and expression of ideas of man which have shaped history.” A fraudster called Plato appears, invents a fictional character or writes a false scenario based on his teacher, thus deceiving billions of people living after him; but they call it “whether or not the character Socrates was real, it doesn't matter.” If a person does not act impartially like a scientist, he will always find an excuse no matter what you tell him. If a person has no morals, it is impossible to talk to him.

Plato despised women and argued that they should be shared in society. Aristotle also saw women and slaves as less valuable than animals.

The philosophical movement, which would be named as Neo Platonism in the 19th century, was founded in 300 BC. Plotinos, who started in the 3rd century, was actually born in Egypt and studied in Alexandria. Plotinos was also interested in Iranian and Indian philosophy, which he was a fan of, and added some elements from the Egyptian and Jewish religion to Platonism. 

Archimedes also went to Egypt and learned the information he said “I FOUND”.

The 10th chapter of the work named “Lawyer s” by Numenius Plato of Alexandria, who lived in the 2nd century AD, was taken from Moses, that is, from the 10 Commandments of Judaism.

Charles Werner stated that Thales and Pythagoras learned arithmetic from the Egyptians, and Democritus went to Egypt and India and wrote what they learned there. 

Information on medicine and natural sciences was taken from Egypt and Mesopotamia. In addition, the first information about the Solar System originated from Egypt and Mesopotamia. The periods of the lunar eclipse have been learned from Mesopotamia. Although it is said that Anaximendros made the first world map, it was determined that the first world map was made in Babylon.

Alfred Weber states that before he came into contact with the Egyptians, there was no philosophical thought in the Greeks. 

The French philosopher Ernest Renan (1823 - 1892) claimed that philosophy was born from the Greek in his work named "The Greek Miracle (Miracle Grec)"; Hegel, Schopenhauer and Nietzche were greatly influenced by Far Eastern Philosophy and changed their old ideas. 

According to Walter Ruben, the source of Greek Philosophy is India, and according to Emile Brehier, Mesopotamia.

In Mesopotamia, especially the clergy examined the stars in the sky. The first civilization to study the sky was the Sumerians. The Babylonians continued in the same way and contributed to astronomy. Babylonian astronomers discovered the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

During the excavations carried out in Zerzevan Castle, 

a temple belonging to the Mithras religion was found (550-331 BC). The roots of the Mithras religion go back to the Vedas of Hinduism (3000 BC). Mithra is the God of Sun - Light believed by the ancient Aryans. Mitra priests were very advanced in astronomy.

3,700-year-old tablets from Babylon show that Trigonometry was used in Babylon 1,000 years before Ancient Greece. It was understood that a trigonometry based on angles and non-triangular ratios was used in the tablet named "Plimpton 322", which was found in Southern Iraq in the 1900s, and in this way the shape of right-angled triangles was explained. It was also seen in this study that the Babylonians used a 60's system instead of the Decimal System. Therefore, the Father of Trigonometry is not Hipparchus, indeed they are Babylonians who lived before him.

Researchers have found an ancient clay tablet with cuneiform script 

in Uruk (Warka) southern Iraq, which belongs to the ancient Babylonian period (2004-1595 BC). Sumerians have drawn geometric circles and made 3 astronomical calculations. 

The Ebers Papyrus and the Edwin Smith Papyrus reveal medical treatments and dental practices in Ancient Egypt. They used to make toothpicks and brushes from plant branches to protect their dental health. It is seen that they try to treat tooth decay with plants and perform tooth extraction. They also used different dental instruments.

Nor is Hippocrates the Father of Medicine. The Egyptians and Sumerians who lived centuries ago, knew much more than the Greeks. For example, they were diagnosing diseases and treating them with medicines prepared from plants. They even performed surgical operations. Even the fact that the Egyptians mummified their kings proves that they were more knowledgeable in medicine. Also, Indian Medicine History goes back to 3000 BC. Systematized Ayurveda also begins in 1700 BC. 

It is now known that organized sports competitions in the modern sense emerged during the Sumerian Civilization and passed to Ancient Greece via the Hittites and Ancient Egyptians. 

As a result of the examination of clay tablets, temple architecture and the Epic of Gilgamesh, between 3600 - 2000 BC, it has been proven that sports in the modern sense were practiced by the Sumerians for the first time. The Sumerian tablets record what a great long-distance runner the Sumerian king was. At the end of 3000 BC, it is told that Shulgi, son of Ur-Nammun, the founder of the III. Ur Dynasty, was a great runner.

The Egyptians living in ancient times both found some sports games and arranged the rules of them. These rules were similar to modern sports games. For example, there were referees who ruled the competitions. According to Herodotos of Halicarnassus (Bodrum), in the 7th century BC,  a group of Olympians (Greek) visited the Egyptian Pharaoh Psammis and learned about sports organizations and rules. Then they copied in Olympia.

The ancient Egyptians were exercising to strengthen their bodies. Moreover, they held sports games on the stele of Amenophis II around the great Sphynx at Giza. Those games included horseback riding, archery, rowing and running. The paintings about sports are in the tombs of many Pharaohs, for example Amenophis II (1450-1425 BC). Pharaoh Setos I (1318-1299 BC) symbolically participated in the running competition during the festivals of Heb Sed, which was Egypt's biggest festival. There are drawings of a boxer in the tomb of Vizier Ptah Hotep (Old Imperial 2778-2413 BC) at Saqqara. Marathon races also held an important place in Ancient Egypt. So; it’s clear that the Ancient Greeks learned all these sports from the Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians.

Also, Kalari Payattu encounters in India go back to 1500 BC. 

Sports such as riding horses, playing javelin, wrestling, archery, using swords and running were practiced by Turks in Central Asia around 3000 BC. Competitions related to these sports were organized and prizes were given to the winners. A martial art called Baranta was also practiced by the Huns. Horse riding, archery, using swords, wrestling and boxing were among these studies.

The oldest written record of sports in Ancient Greece is found in the 23rd chapter of Homer's Illiad. Sports events held there in memory of the Greek hero Patroclus include Chariot races, Wrestling, Boxing, Running Competitions and Javelin Throwing. It can be said based on findings that four of these five competitions were held in Sumer centuries ago. 

The world's first written law was put into effect by the Sumerian Lagash King Urukagina, who came to power in 2375 BC. With these laws, private property and family law were regulated, and the protection of the orphans and vulnerable segments of society was ensured. Lagash King Urukagina declared the rules he had arranged in order to break the influence of the clergy on the society and to ensure justice in marriage, divorce, inheritance, trade and private property.

Socrates is not the father of philosophy. He is not even a philosopher. He is simply an opponent of power. The first known philosopher, the father of philosophy, is Ptahhotep. Metaphysics started with Akheneten (Akhenaton), and Akhenaton is the first known representative of metaphysics. Akhenaton’s founding of a new religion by opposing polytheistic beliefs is the clearest indication of his discourse on God, the universe and creation. Isn't that what metaphysics does anyway? In addition, Akhenaton established a new social order. If Socrates is a philosopher, Akhenaton deserves to be a philosopher at least ten times more. People like Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Buddha can also be considered greater philosophers than Socrates. 

An important part of those who are interested in philosophy today argue that "Greek science and philosophy emerged much later than Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations and enhanced and enriched their heritage". 

American historian George G. M. James, in his work titled "Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy", states that Alexander the Great plundered the Library of Alexandria (332 B.C.) and stole books from Egypt. He says that some of them fell into the hands of Aristotle (322-384 BC), who created a private library for himself from stolen books and wrote down what he learned from those books. Thales (640 BC) and his friends Anaximander and Anaximenes, who were educated in Egypt, later Xenophanes (576 BC), Paramenides, Zeno and Melissus wrote about what they learned from the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Students such as Heraclitus (530 BC), Empedocles, Anaxogoras and Democritus worked in the field of physics with the training they received from Egyptian priests. According to George G. M. James, the real owners of what is called "Greek philosophy" are the Egyptian priests and the interpreters of the holy books.

The largest library of ancient times was the Library of Alexandria and contained 900,000 manuscripts. The books written on papyrus in ancient times were stored as rolls. Many people worked in this library. Names such as the mathematical scholar Euclid, the mechanics Archimedes, the medical scientist Herophilos, the astronomer Eratosthenes and Ptolemy benefited from the books in this library.

Some have made contradictory claims in order to save Greek Philosophy: 

According to one claim; yes, the Greeks took geometry from the Egyptians and astronomy from the Babylonians, but they systematically combined this information. First of all, it is unreasonable to say that the Egyptians, who knew Geometry much better than the Greeks, did not know Astronomy at all, or that the Babylonians who taught Astronomy to the Greeks were unaware of Mathematics. In addition, a statement that this information is fragmented is an aphakic claim devoid of support. Again, combining existing information does not mean finding them.

According to another claim; Greek Philosophy is completely independent of eastern thought and eastern religions. It cannot be explained by such a definition, even if it was affected by them. However, according to many philosophers, there is an effect of Persia in Heraclitus, China in Phythagoras, India in Elea, Egypt in Ephedocles, and Jewish religion in Anaxagoras. Indeed, Numenios, one of the New Pythagorasists, said, "Plato is none other than Moses who speaks the Attica language." In addition, before the development of philosophy in the Greeks, much stronger civilizations lived in the region or near the region such as Hittite, Egypt, Sumer and Akkad.

The third claim is as follows: The Egyptians applied geometry for practical-technical reasons such as preventing the annual floods of the Nile and opening channels. However, the Greeks worked just to get geometry. This claim is also meaningless. Because finding a branch of science with practical - technical needs does not mean not finding it, and today many scientific discoveries have been made for practical - technical reasons. So are we going to ignore these inventions too? In addition, to say that “I didn’t learn science from someone else and found it myself” is literally "DATA STEALING" or "SCIENCE THEFT".

According to the fourth claim; The Greeks separated sciences such as Geometry, Mathematics and Astronomy from religion. However, in other civilizations these sciences are taught by religious scholars. This claim is illogical and contradictory like the others. Because Pythagoras settled in the city of Croton in Southern Italy and established a secret RELIGIOUS HISTORY there. The fact that he learned mathematics, geometry, and astronomy from the temples in Egypt and Babylon from the priests does not mean that Pythagoras discovered these sciences, and it would result in a result such as "THE PRIESTORS CANNOT MAKE PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE" that such a claim is illogical. It would also mean ignoring medieval philosophy, since many philosophers in the Middle Ages were also clergymen, for example the famous Augustinus. On the other hand, was Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884), considered the Father of Genetic Science, not a priest?

When we examine civilizations before Greek philosophical texts, we see that they were advanced in mathematics, astronomy and geometry. For example, in Egyptian mathematics (1600 - 1700 BC) the following could be done: 

- Tens could be written using hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and tens of millions of different symbols. 

- Fractional numbers could be used and calculations could be made with them. 

- The area of the square, triangle and rectangle and the volume of the rectangular prism, truncated pyramid and cylinder were calculated.

In addition, the Egyptians made a calendar, set a year as 365 days, and carried out studies on astronomy. In addition, they developed medicine by observing and advanced in diagnosis and treatment. 

Scientific studies in Mesopotamia can be summarized as follows:

- They performed mathematical operations using a 60-based system. 

- They carried out time and angle measurements. 

- They were very advanced in geometry that Pythagoras Theorem, the Golden Ratio, belongs to them. 

- They knew the operations of addition, multiplication and division. They were solving first, second, and third order equations. The founders of algebra were actually Mesopotamians. They also laid the foundation of Diofantos Algebra in Antiquity. 

- They calculated the area of the triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, cylinder, and prism. 

- Tales Theorem for right triangles was again found by them.

- They observed the periodic movements of celestial bodies in the 1600s BC and tried to explain the lunar and solar eclipses. They determined the daily orbit of the sun with a device called "Polos" and certain periods of the year with a device called "Gnomon". 

- They found the water clock. 

- They have done studies on anatomy and surgery. People called A-SU (The Person Who Knows the Water) were interested in diagnosis and treatment. 

- In the 3000s BC, the Sumerians were much more advanced than the Greeks, who worked after them, especially in astronomy.

We must also emphasize this fact: Today there are hundreds of thousands of CLAY TABLETS waiting to be read and translated, and these tablets WILL INCREASE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT SUMER.

However, all of these studies carried out in Egypt and Mesopotamia were ignored by claiming that they were done only for practical purposes. In fact, this claim also needs proof, but such a justification cannot be valid from a scientific point of view. 

As a result, while all these facts are in the middle, their work was not accepted as the beginning of science, and the books written with the knowledge learned from Egypt and Mesopotamia, about 1500 years after them, were presented as the first scientific activities. Therefore, the claim that "science, medicine, sports games and philosophy started in Ancient Greece" is far from foundation, completely arbitrary and cannot be accepted.

Ignorant people who do not know the above information say that philosophy and science began in Ancient Greece, although philosophy began in Ancient Egypt and science began in Ancient Sumer.


Now, let's explain it once again in a simple way as if we were explaining it to a primary school student. Let's examine Pythagoras as an example.

Pythagoras is called the founder of Geometry, a branch of science. However, Pythagoras went to Ancient Egypt and studied there for 22 years in the Osiris Sect (Brotherhood of Osiris). He learned everything about geometry in Ancient Egypt. If you call the Osiris Priests "philosophers", philosophy was born in Ancient Egypt, not Ancient Greece. If you say that the Priests of Osiris are "not philosophers", then Geometry was born in Ancient Egypt, not Ancient Greece.

Now let's see our second example: In ancient Egypt, they knew how to mummify people. Physicians could treat with plants and minor surgical operations could be performed. Before them, the Sumerians also had medicine. Physicians called A-SU could prepare medicine with plants, treat patients with water and perform minor surgeries. Ignoring all these and saying "medicine was born in ancient Greece, and the father of medicine is Hippocrates" is a big lie.

Let's give one last example:

Gregor Mendel, who is considered the father of genetics, was neither a Greek nor a philosopher.

There can be no claim as absurd and illogical as saying "Science began in Ancient Greece and was born from philosophy."

So why don't philosophers accept the facts?

1- European philosophers (of course not all) are such racist people that they do not want to accept that science and philosophy were born outside Europe.

2- They have read books on Ancient Greek Culture, but they do not know anything about Ancient Egypt and SUMER. Learning new things starting from scratch is difficult and time consuming.

3- European philosophers based their entire world of thought on Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy. Accepting the facts destroys the world in their minds. 



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