LAKE CHILA IN MBALA , NORTHERN CIRCUIT πΏπ²πΏπ²πΏπ² Lake Chila See in Mbala is not more than a kilometer long and 800 metres wide and is feared to be more than 1000 metres deep in some place's. On its bed lie's a collection of historic military weapons that have been there for more than half a century. The arms were dumped in the mini-lake at the end of first world war after soldiers from Germany east africa Tanzania surrendered to the Northern Rhodesia rifle's. A number of these guns were fished out from the lake a few years ago by Zambian commandos who were on a training excercise but it is belived a lot more remain below. From a geographical perspective the lake is a depression lake or a sunken lake where the bottom collapsed. According to traditional myth,many years ago when the village of Chief Zombie was near by,there was no Lake Chila but just the river lucheche and villager's would go to catch fish were the river was a bit wide.Then on...